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im_header->is_changeable()可以判断当前这些field是不是处于可编辑状态, 如果是则为'X'. 比如刚进TCODE ME21N, ME22N它们是可编辑的, 但当按save保存成功后, 它们暂时是不可以编辑的, 要再按 把它改回编辑状态才可以编辑,这里就实现了这个功能. Metafield Guru allows you to create, update and delete metafields for products (variants included), both smart and custom collections, customers, orders (draft orders included), blogs, pages and the shop directly from the admin panel of your Shopify store. A MetaField object represent a meta-class field. Fields represent information that an object contains. Fields are like variables because they can be directly read or set.

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jquery - 如何在Shopify中从Metafield JSON创建级联选择列表


Metafields are useful for storing specialized information, such as part numbers, customer titles, or blog post summaries. #Adding Custom Fields Data (Metafield Data) to the Product Page. This is advanced guide, so please make sure you have understand our app well before going forward. Product metafields store and display additional product information that doesn't otherwise exist in the Shopify Admin. This example demonstrates how to add washing instructions to your products and display them on the product page.

The Metafield resource allows you to add additional information to other Admin API resources. Metafields can be used in several ways, such as to add a summary to a blog post. The metafields object allows you to store additional information for products, collections, customers, orders, blogs, pages and your shop. You can output metafields on your storefront using Liquid.

Add extra data fields. Extra data fields for nearly every Shopify resource type is supported. Products, variants, collections, pages, orders, customers, etc. 1. im_header->is_changeable()可以判断当前这些field是不是处于可编辑状态, 如果是则为'X'. 比如刚进TCODE ME21N, ME22N它们是可编辑的, 但当按save保存成功后, 它们暂时是不可以编辑的, 要再按 把它改回编辑状态才可以编辑,这里就实现了这个功能.

jquery - 如何在Shopify中从Metafield JSON创建级联选择列表

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Use Excelify app to import and export Shopify metafields for Products, Collections, Customers, Orders, Pages, Blog Posts and Shop. The Metafield resource allows you to add additional information to other Admin API resources. Metafields can be used in several ways, such as to add a summary to a blog post. The metafields object allows you to store additional information for products, collections, customers, orders, blogs, pages and your shop. You can output metafields on your storefront using Liquid. Add extra data fields.


In this article, we will guide you to create a filter option (Shopify filter by metafields) or Shopify search metafields, you can add them using Boost "Metafields" feature. The standard description field on a Shopify product detail page is a monolithic block of content. Adding different sections to this block is possible, but the process is not ideal. Proven Stability and Scale.

Fields represent information that an object contains.